Roe Valley Beekeepers RVBKA
Based near Limavady, Northern Ireland
Email for Club: rvbkasecretarylhand@gmail.com
Email for Site: roevalleybeekepers@outlook.com

The Reverend Samuel John Millar B.A (T.C.D) M.A (T.C.D)
1938 - 2015
The passing of Reverend Sam, as he was affectionately known, has deprived the Irish beekeeping world of a respected and much-loved figure. Reverend Sam was the Education Officer of Roe Valley Bekeeper's Association and shared his expertise during panel discussions at the monthly club meetings. He was a mentor to many and brought many new members into the club
Originally from Ahoghill, Co. Antrim, Rev Sam worked in T.G Alexander & Son's draper's shop in Ballymena, following secondary education at Ballymena Technical College. Rev Sam felt called to the church and studied at Magee, Trinity and the Assembly's (now Union) Theological College in Belfast and was ordained in 1967.
Rev Sam was an Assistant at Sinclair Seamen's Church, Belfast and became a Minister at Clough & Seaforde, Co. Down in 1971. In 1974 he became Minister of a Church Extension charge at Hazelbank, Coleraine and built a thriving congregation. Rev Sam retired in 2003 to live in Garvagh, Co. Londonderry and maintained strong and active links with his calling and was chaplain to Coleraine Harbour Commissioners.
Under the guidance of Reverend (later Dean) Hutchinson of Tyrella Parish Church, Rev Sam took his first steps in beekeeping. After retirement, Rev Sam threw himself into the study and teaching of the craft of beekeeping and held the Senior and Lecturer Certificates of the Federation of Irish Beekeepers' Associations. Many aspiring beekeepers benefited from his Preliminary Courses, and many went on to study for the Intermediate exams under his guidance.
Every winter, Rev Sam visited his daughter in New Zealand for several weeks and there built up a circle of beekeeping friends, reporting his experiences to the club on his return.
Rev Sam was instrumental in the Zomba beekeeping project in Malawi.
His kindness, gentle manner, enthusiam and deep knowledge are sorely missed.