Roe Valley Beekeepers RVBKA
Based near Limavady, Northern Ireland
Email for Club: rvbkasecretarylhand@gmail.com
Email for Site: roevalleybeekepers@outlook.com

Club Secretary Notices
Look out for emails about meetings, events, swarm collections, honey sales, membership, bee health, UBKA events. Keep your contact information up to date to stay in touch.

2024 course - 100% of students passed with scores ranging from 81% - 98%
Email to reserve a place on the 2025 course in mid-February
8-10 classes and a minimum of 3 practical sessions, giving you all you need to know to get started as a beekeeper.
Fee for the course is £120, look out for an email from our Treasurer. If paying 2025 membership at the same time - total is £145 for an individual & includes 3rd party insurance & UBKA membership. A one-page registration form will be emailed to you - complete your name as you would like to see it on your certificate.
Next session - 16th November- 10a.m to 1p.m at the Apiary
Please come along and help get the surrounding area ready for winter. Please bring strimmers if you have them. The storage shed also needs some TLC
Talk to experienced beekeepers informally and get over-wintering tips and share your stories.
More discussions, workshops and presentations are planned for 2024
Look forward to seeing you there!
Saturday Club
Membership for 2025 due by 31st of December.
Look out for the email
Thank you for supporting your club!
Membership includes UBKA Membership and third party insurance, covering injury to third parties and honey selling/market activities.
Insurance cards are no longer issued.
Scroll down for details about upcoming events to add to your calendar.
Please contact the secretary if you or someone you know is interested in doing a talk or presentation on any aspect of beekeeping.

Hoodies and polo shirts available at August 29th meeting.
High quality with embroidered logo.
Men's & women's sizes will be available to pre-order.

Making a bee-safe water station
1. Shallow bird bath or dish with pebbles and rocks (avoid marbles or glass - too slippery).
2. Hummingbird feeder filled with water instead of sugar syrup.
3. Poultry watering station.
4.Upturned plastic bucket with lid - drill holes near the top of the bucket.
5.Upturned jars, lidded with guaze or cloth, secured with elastic bands.

UBKA Announcements - Young Beekeepers
International event: Leaving on Dec 17th, returning Dec 23rd. Flying direct via Emirates airline, approx £1,000 per person. Discount code if UBKA apply before Jun 1st.
July: 1 day event at Randalstown BKA.
Autumn: Long weekend at Dumfries House, Scotland - considering 14th-15th September.
Click email link for information.

Often thought of as an annoying lawn weed - dandelions are a true flower and a vital source of spring nectar and pollen for honey bees and many other pollinators. Instead of uprooting or killing these important flowers, spread them by blowing the dandelion clocks.

Other important 'weeds' for pollinators
Rose-bay Willowherb
White Clover
Cow Parsley
Ground Ivy
Dead Nettle
About Us
The club started as a group of friends with a passion for beekeeping who met regularly to share their knowledge and experience. After the introduction of a beekeeping eductional programme, the club rapidly expanded, bringing in new members, and growing from 7 to an average of 80 each year, many of whom regularly attend meetings and events.
The club has a Beginner's Beekeeping class starting in February, covering everything a new beekeeper needs to to get started.
Each month, an in-depth presentation is given on an area of beekeeping and members are reminded what they should be doing with their bees at a particular time of year.
Our mission to to create more bees and more beekeepers.
UBKA Reresentatives:
Stephanie Percy
Linda Hand
Denise McGowan

Willow Woman
On Saturday 23rd March, Fiona Doney taught a Willow weaving class at the apiary, attended by 11 members. During the session, each person made two small burd feeders and one larger bird feeder using materials and forms supplied by Fiona. The class was very enjoyable and will be followed up by a basket weaving class.