Roe Valley Beekeepers RVBKA
Based near Limavady, Northern Ireland
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Beekeeping Calendar - What To Do by Month
Check regularly for wind and storm damage – make sure floors and boxes are stacked correctly and no water can get in
Ensure entrance does not become blocked by snow. Heft corner to assess stores remaining
Heft corner to guage stores remaining. Use fondant or bags of sugar. If bees are lethargic, spray with warm thick sugar solution (2:1), do NOT use thin syrup (1:1)
Take mouse-guards off during the day if bees are active
Begin ordering or building new hive equipment – boxes, frames, feeders
Seal any colonies that have died and arrange to send samples for diagnosis
Check food reserves and begin feeding syrup. Prepare replacement brood frames
When warm enough, carry out first full hive inspection; check for disease, varroa infestation, stores and queen rightness. Mark un-marked queens with the appropriate colour
Replace old comb, aim for 1/3 each year
Feed stimulating liquid feed
Start of swarming season – perform weekly inspections looking for polished queen cups and new wax on existing queen cups.
Ensure a spare hive is ready in preparation for artificial swarming or to collect swarms. Oil Seed Rape and early spring flow starts – add supers if there are 7-8 frames of bees.
Remove spring honey and feed bees through the June Gap (spring flowers have finished, summer flowers are yet to bloom).
Check weekly for signs of swarming and add additional space for expanding brood.
Monitor varroa mite levels.
Continue weekly inspections
Depending on weather, feed or add supers
Be vigilant for a developing wasp problem
Plan autumn migration to the heather
Move hives to heather areas if weather permits
Harvest, extract and process honey.
Inspect for disease and treat after supers are off
Feed with thick syrup (2:1) 650ml water to 1kg sugar, if needed
Put reducer on to prevent robbing and put out wasp traps
Feed with thick syrup (2:1) 650ml water to 1kg sugar, if needed
Remove queen excluders
Put in varroa strips or other treatments
Unite weak, disease free colonies
Prepare for the Honey Show
Continue to feed until cluster is formed
Fit mouse-guards (after drones have been expelled) and weight down roofs with blocks and straps as needed
Clean, repair and sterilize surplus equipment
Leave bees alone
Be vigilant for storm damage
Make sure straps and blocks are secure
Build hives and frames for next season
Leave bees alone and be vigilant for storm damage
Treat with Oxalic Acid when brood-less
Put on fondant at the end of December
Ensure entrance is clear of snow